Since the AMCP 2020 Annual Meeting has been cancelled, abstracts that were accepted will not be presented as posters. However, these abstracts will still be published in a supplement issue of JMCP. Thus, the abstracts and corresponding posters should be treated as any other accepted abstract or presented poster. The information below provides additional detail.

Will AMCP still publish the abstracts in a supplement issue of JMCP?

Yes, a JMCP supplement will be published on-line in mid-April. The JMCP supplement is Medline indexed.

Professional-reviewed abstracts that have not been withdrawn will be published. Student and Encore abstracts are never included in the JMCP abstract supplement; however, the abstract title and author list are printed and will be this year as well.

Can I still include the abstract on my CV (curriculum vitae)?

Yes, professional-reviewed abstracts published in the JMCP supplement are fully citable.

Student and Encore abstracts that are not included in the supplement can also be included as a poster presentation.  We are looking at options for virtual poster presentations.  More information will be coming soon.

Can I submit my accepted abstract to another conference or proceed with my publication?

Yes, authors should apply the normal standards to next steps following a poster presentation. For example, abstracts can be submitted to another conference as an encore presentation or to most journals as a full manuscript.

Would AMCP consider a virtual or electronic poster presentation?

AMCP is looking at different options for virtual posters.  We will have more information soon.

Is my abstract embargoed?

Abstracts are embargoed until April 7, 2020 when the JMCP supplement will be published online.

Can my poster be submitted as an encore presentation for Nexus 2020?

Yes, authors of abstracts that were accepted to AMCP 2020 who wish to submit their abstracts to Nexus 2020 should submit their abstracts under the category of “Encore poster presentations.” Any abstract that is submitted in this way will be accepted for Nexus 2020.

Given the AMCP 2020 cancellation, how will a poster be acknowledged if it has won a ribbon?

All posters that have won a ribbon will be acknowledged in the JMCP supplement. If a poster presenter is interested in receiving the actual ribbon, please contact Michelle Perkins at for more information.

Will the AMCP Foundation Best Poster Competition be held?

The AMCP Foundation is determining how to proceed. More information will be shared as it becomes available.

Additional poster-related questions should be sent to Michelle Perkins at

AMCP 2020 meeting FAQs are available at